Summary: The General Services Administration is a U.S. agency that administers a substantial volume of construction contracts. As of January 21, 2020, the GSA has approved the use of the Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) method of project delivery—also referred to in the industry as Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR). This is the third GSA-approved method, with the first two being traditional design-bid-build and design-build.
Under GSA’s approved version of CMc, the CM is retained while the design is underway. Design phase services of the CMc are on a fixed-price basis, with construction work on a cost-plus-fee basis, subject to a Guaranteed Maximum Price.
Comment: EJCDC is currently preparing standard Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract documents. The final GSA rules for CMc will be a valuable reference and checklist during completion of EJCDC’s CMAR documents.