Construction Related Documents

The Construction Family Documents (C-Series) are intended for engineered construction projects. The current edition (2018) is endorsed by both the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA). View the in-depth presentation on EJCDC’s Construction documents given at the ABA Construction Forum Webinar in June 2019.  The series comprises 25 integrated documents coordinated with Engineering Family Documents (E-Series). The C-Series documents assume the design Engineer is involved during construction. Document number C-700, General Conditions, is the keystone of C-Series and other EJCDC document families. The document includes provisions for payment alternatives such as Lump Sum and Cost-Plus, and considers risk allocation consistent with industry norms. The current edition was written in 2018.  Terms and conditions for use can be found in the Construction Series License Agreement 2018

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